What people are saying.

  • "Victoria worked with me to process my dad's sudden and unexpected death from stage IV pancreatic cancer during the height of the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic and lockdowns. Her exceptional intelligence, warmth, and empathy was evident throughout her work with me, but what I didn't expect was how much examining that stuck grief would help me understand myself, my family of origin, my role as a parent, and my place in the world. I do not say this lightly-- it was a transformational experience. I could not recommend the experience more highly. (Also she is hilarious.)"

    — Lizzie

  • "Victoria, I wanted to tell you that I was able to put a memory in one of the houses a few days ago. I remembered a smell! We would keep my dad’s skin soft with a eucalyptus lotion, and I smelled that and immediately knew it went in the 3rd house. It’s the only thing I associate with this aromatic bath and bodywork’s lotion. And it was a huge part of the last two weeks of his life when we were taking care of him. Thank you for giving me a place to keep it!"

    — Danielle

  • "The birth of our first child was an epic event, so heading into our 2nd birth, I was fairly confident that I could handle what ever happened. Confident to point where I was thinking about getting a T-shirt made that said “I’m the fucking Doula”, just so everyone would know. My wife wanted a real Doula and she really wanted Sam. I got on really well with her and she talked to me like I was an intelligent and integral part of the process (which is often not the case with the way Dad’s are treated). As it turns out the birth of our son James was just as intense and crazy as our first but in completely different ways that I wasn’t prepared for and I am so glad Sam was there with us. I can highly recommend Sam to any family, I felt she judged every stage of the birth perfectly with her level of involvement, when to step in and get hands on and when to just be there with us and let us find our rhythm. And she’s really funny, which is an important element in my book. I’m still thinking about getting the T-shirt made, but it will read 'Sam’s the fucking Doula'."

    — Chris

  • "Sam provided invaluable support to us before, during and after labor. Her knowledge, focus and calm attitude were paramount in getting me through a completely natural labor. As hard as it was at times, we tried all of the positions and methods during labor that I planned on, and she helped my husband to help me in the best way possible. It was really special to have someone there who didn't step on toes and was able to preserve the close bond between a husband and wife while helping me so much. I definitely attribute my ability to have a successful, natural labor to her presence and support!"

    — Darcy

  • "It’s hard to put into words how incredible Elizabeth was throughout my pregnancy and birth journey. It was my second pregnancy and I was really hoping for a VBAC birth after a pretty traumatic c-section with my first. She listened to me and allowed me the space to work through my first birth experience while providing gentle guidance for my second. I mostly wanted to work with a doula to have the support during my birth, but had no idea how valuable working together prenatally would be. With her expert guidance I felt completely prepared physically and emotionally once I went into labor. From there it was pure magic, she stayed in touch with me while I labored at home and met me at the hospital as soon as I was ready. She was there for myself and my partner throughout the whole birth process and my birth went perfectly, I ended up with the unmedicated vaginal birth of my dreams and it was the most empowering experience. My partner and I both felt so supported through all of it, Elizabeth was right there during all of the hard moments and the amazing moments. I cannot recommend working with her enough!"

    — Lyndsay

  • "My husband Billy and I knew we wanted to work with Elizabeth immediately—she was funny and kind and open and we both felt totally comfortable and ourselves with her. When my water broke 3 weeks early and the doctors wanted to induce, Elizabeth talked us through all of the information we were being given so my decision to begin Pitocin felt like mine, and not just following orders. As soon as I got my first dose, contractions began, way more intense than I had thought they’d be. I felt unprepared and lost and couldn’t remember my birth plan. Elizabeth subtly stepped in then, when she saw we needed it. She brought a calm to that moment, and for the rest of my labor, that grounded Billy and me so the circumstances no longer felt so scary. As contractions ramped up, I felt like I was transported to some wild birthing planet. Elizabeth’s voice, coaching my breathing and keeping my grunting low, made me feel strong and in control the whole time. The three of us spent about three hours in the tub like that, and after 15 minutes of pushing my son was born. It was the coolest and most interesting experience. I honestly loved it. Elizabeth is an incredible doula and I feel so lucky to have had her with us for my son’s birth. She also took all of the photos we have of the three of us in the moments after he was born, just so special!" - Julia & Billy