Grief Support

Grief Offerings

  • Grief Dwellings: For Those Who Have Lost Loved Ones - $100+ Donation

    Grief can place a pall over our worlds, clarifying our priorities and putting us face to face with inner work in new ways. As we continue to navigate the flair ups of despair, longing, anger, disappointment, and heartbreak throughout the rest of our lives, we can hold and acknowledge that these feelings have a home within us. They are visitors that keep us connected to what has been lost, and inform our everyday life.

    Grief Dwellings is a series of three 1:1 sessions aimed at finding a home for grief in the body and mind. I look forward to hearing your stories, honoring your vulnerability, and creating space for grief to live in your life without shame or urgency.

    Each session is 50 minutes.

  • Generalized Grief Support - $100+ Donation

    For those who haven't experienced a recent death, but are still struggling with feelings around loss and change, generalized grief support is a place for you to unearth that which burdens you.

    Generalized grief support is a series of four 1:1 sessions where we give attention to the most pressing griefs, find ways to validate our own experience, and create tools to help us better hold ourselves in moments of activation and distress.

    Each session is 50 minutes.